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How Chemicals Control Your Thoughts And Emotions

Do you know how chemicals control your thoughts and feelings? Well, what chemicals control emotions? Read on to know...

You feel good when your partner hugs you and you feel bad when you are abandoned. Why? Well, there are chemicals behind it. In fact, chemicals do play a role in every thought, feeling and action.

In fact, schizophrenia can be explained as too much of dopamine and anxiety is nothing but low levels of dopamine.

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In the same way, happiness can be experienced when your serotonin levels are up. And what is depression? Well, it is nothing but low levels of serotonin and dopamine.

In the same way, many emotions can be explained by chemistry. For a healthy lifestyle, health experts recommend regular workouts, healthy human relationships and healthy food. Why? In order to maintain the right levels of happy chemicals, we need them. Read on....



Have you ever wondered what motivates you to take action? It is dopamine. If you have goals or targets to achieve, dopamine motivates you to reach them. And when you achieve them, it gives you pleasure.

Low Dopamine

Low Dopamine

What happens when dopamine levels are low? Well, you feel lack of motivation. You tend to procrastinate. And you feel uninspired.

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What To Do?

What To Do?

How to manage? Well, there are two ways to ensure that you don't feel de-motivated. Find a way to break your long term goals into short term ones. Whenever you achieve one short term goal, you get a shot of dopamine that helps you keep going till the long term goal. Also, ensure that you set new targets before you reach old ones.



Have you ever observed the kind of pleasure you derive when you feel significant? Whether it is in your family or in your office, when you are needed by someone you feel good, right? That is serotonin releasing.

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Low Serotonin

Low Serotonin

What happens when it is low? You tend to feel depressed and lonely. Basically, you feel unwanted.

What To Do?

What To Do?

When you practice gratitude, you can ensure that your serotonin levels are stable as your sub conscious mind makes you feel important.

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Why We Need Sunlight?

Why We Need Sunlight?

Health experts also recommend some sunlight to maintain serotonin levels. But wait; don't get too much of UV rays on you.



Why do we feel good when we get close to someone? Well, serotonin rules intimacy in relationships.

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Its Release

Its Release

The body releases this happy chemical during an orgasm too. In women, it gets released during child birth also.

Its Levels

Its Levels

How to maintain stable levels? Well every time you hug your loved ones, oxytocin is released. Cuddling also releases it. In fact, when you give a surprise gift to your partner, he or she will experience the rush.



When you workout for a while and sweat it out, endorphins are released. The purpose of this happy chemical is to make you feel good in spite of the stress and pain you underwent while working out.

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In fact, when you watch a comedy show and keep laughing, endorphins do get released. Even eating a small bite of dark chocolate also helps.

As health is closely related to happiness, it is better to find ways to keep your happy chemicals up. That is why regular exercise and good human relationships make life beautiful.