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Healthy White Foods To Add In Your Life

White foods are good for you. Have you tried any or do you simply push it aside whenever it is served on to your plate?

According to statistics, people have the tendency and attitude that only green foods are good to go, whereas the other coloured foods are termed risky.

However, today science suggests that one should add a lot of colour on to their plate for every meal served. The more colourful foods are there on your plate, the more amount of nutrients and proteins you will be feeding your body with.

When it comes to white food, most of us are hesitant to consume it. If you must know we are talking about 'healthy' white foods that include eggs, vegetables like cauliflower and meats like chicken.

Consuming these rich foods that are high in nutrients like calcium, potassium and iron, can have a great impact on the body, in a good way.

These 9 healthy white foods should be added to your daily meals right away. So, what are you waiting for?

Take a look at these foods, which look forward to boosting your immunity in keeping you healthy and fit:



Mushrooms are healthy for you to consume at least twice in a week. One serving of mushroom will provide you with a wholesome amount of fibre and calcium. It also contains just 44 calories, so eat away.



Start your day with a bowl of oats. But, make sure you opt for honey instead of sugar and skimmed milk or almond milk. Add a little colour to your white meal with fresh fruits.



Did you know that cauliflower contains a healthy source of glucosinolates, sulphur-containing phytochemicals that help prevent certain types of cancers? So, add this white veggie to your plate to keep cancer at bay.



Vegetables are always loaded with a good amount of vitamins and minerals. When the peel is removed from turnips the white fleshy part which is consumed contains vitamin C, fiber and potassium that is actually good for the immunity.



Onions are the best to add to any dish. It not only adds flavour to your meal, it also adds to keeping you healthy for it has mighty health benefits. Onions are less in calories and they are a fat-burning food to add to your diet, so enjoy the veggie every day.



The amount of benefits in garlic will simply blow your mind. If you consume foods that contain garlic, you will be preventing one of the deadliest diseases in the world - cancer. Garlic has properties that can reduce the risk of stomach, colon and rectal cancer.



Tofu is another healthy white food, which we think you should enjoy at least once in a week. Tofu is rich in calcium and vitamins that help to provide you with a ton of energy.



More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat and cholesterol than the egg yolk. So, include more of egg white in your diet.



Chicken is a storehouse of protein. The more protein you consume, the more energy you will have in order to burn fat in the body. Also, chicken helps in boosting the body's metabolism. So why not indulge in this white meat?

Read more about: healthy foods wellness nutrition