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30 Healthy Foods To Boost Brain Power

Today, with so many things happening around us, our brain feels tired and dysfunctional. Our brain needs a constant boost and we being owners of our brain, need to provide it with the best natural medicine. Brian food as many would say is present in the diet we consume daily. However, it is a necessity that we need to also consume extra amount of brain food to keep the power of brain in the highest level. From different types of berries to certain types of vitamin foods, these can be included to boost mental power.

If you feel tired mentally, it is the first sign that your brain requires particular types of foods which will boost the power. These foods which have been enlisted below which help to boost your brain power will also contribute to an overall good health. Brain foods are sincerely good in keeping mental diseases like Alzermiers and Parkinson disease away.

The chemicals present in these brain foods also increases the IQ in kids, so that they can perform better in academics. Experts say that these brain power foods need to be added to your child's diet during his/her examination so that they will not feel mentally stressed.

These are some of the healthy foods to feed your brain and boost its power.



The polyphenols in walnuts improve communication between neurons in the brain. If you eat a handful of walnuts in a day, you are likely to improve your memory by 19 percent.



It is said that caffeine helps to boost brainpower. But an overdose of caffeine is also not good for health. So make sure you minimise it to one cup.



Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fish helps to increase the level of brain power for those who consume fish on a weekly diet.



This leafy vegetable is filled with magnesium which dilate the blood vessels, thus boosting blood flow throughout the body and brain.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil

Switch from vegetable oil to olive oil. This oil consists of fatty acids and polyphenols which reduce inflammation in your joints and brain cells thus improving brain power.

Flax Seeds

Flax Seeds

They may be small in size but they are big in terms of protein and fiber. These seeds help to boost your brain when you add them to yogurt or cereal.



This food has the highest levels of the Vitamin B12 which helps insulate your brain cells. When consumed on a monthly basis, it is good for you.



When compared to milk chocolate, dark chocolate is preferable since it helps you to concentrate on improving blood flow to the brain.



The creamy yogurt is loaded with calcium. It helps in all brain functions thus boosting your brain's health.



It is said that almost half of the people who suffer from depression have low folate levels. It is packed with nutrients that decrease any form of depression which might be harmful to the brain.



The smell of fresh mint helps to increase alertness and memory functioning by acting as a stimulant. Consume a cup of peppermint tea to boost your brain power.



It is these delicious little berries which is considered to be the best brain food money can buy. It helps stimulate the brain and also keeps you active.



India has the world's lowest rate of Alzheimer's disease. It is said that if one adds this Indian spice to their dish, it helps reduce the chance of this deadly disease. Alzheimer's disease begins as an inflammatory process in the brain.



These berries are famous for their antioxidant capacity. They contain compounds which protect the brain and memory.



They are high in good fats for the brain. It is this fruit which also promotes the blood flow and helps in promoting brain health.



Tomatoes contain lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant that can protect against the free radicals that damage cells in the brain.



The sweet yellow fruit is high in manganese which is important for growth and brain function.

Egg Yolk

Egg Yolk

The yellow yolk of an egg is a leading source for choline. This is a nutrient which has recently been proven to boost brain power by speeding up the process of sending signals to nerve cells in the brain.

Whole Grain Foods

Whole Grain Foods

If one consumes whole grain foods like bread, millet and quinoa, they are considered to be excellent for the brain. These foods help to improve circulation and contain essential fibres and vitamins.



Beets are depression-fighting veggies which bring major Vitamin B action in helping your brain quickly process data and efficiently sifts through memories.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

If one adds a dash of coconut oil to their dish, it can work wonders in helping to boost their brain power. This oil creates ketones which fuel the brain.



These carb-rich food provides energy to your brain. A bowl of oats and fruits fuels memory and concentration.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

These seeds are loaded with the amino acid called tryptophan. These components are needed for proper neurotransmitter functioning which also reduces social anxiety!



The regular dry raisins is a potent sources of boron which is a compound to increase attention and improve memory. So having a handful of raisins is good for you.



The green not so favourite veggie is a great source of Vitamin K. It is also a known fact that broccoli enhances cognitive function and improves brainpower.



A handful of sage added to your tea will improve your memory power. So, instead of having a normal cup of tea, add in a dash of sage to make a difference.



These berries contain Vitamin C which have the power to increase mental agility. Therefore, munching on a bowl filled with blackcurrant will be helpful for your brain.



Our body requires a good amount of water in order to keep the brain active. It is a known fact that three-quarter of your brain consists of water which means that dehydration can affect your mental state if you do not consume a good amount of water.



The red cherries are one of the common brain foods. Red cherries are good to boost your brain power in an hour.



Red apples contain a group of chemicals which protect the brain from any damage which triggers neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Therefore, the saying holds true, 'An apple a day keeps the doctor at bay'.

Read more about: health foods