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Baby Got Gas? 11 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Baby Gas

A new-born has their own health problems. For example, your baby can sometimes suffer from gas or constipation or dysentery [1]. This is because the baby's digestive system is under development.

Babies can be very gassy. They pass gas every day between 13 and 21 times. But why? Babies swallow air frequently when they consume food from a breast or a bottle, suck a pacifier and cry.

Learn how to tell if your baby has gas, how to relieve gas in infants, what foods make breastfed babies gassy, and when to consult your paediatrician.

Ways To Get Rid Of Baby Gas

What Is Causing My Baby To Be So Gassy?

What Is Causing My Baby To Be So Gassy?

When your baby is gassy, they will pass a lot of gas and feel better afterwards. However, sometimes gas troubles start right away or just a couple of weeks after a baby is born. The majority of babies outgrow baby gas between four and six months old, though it can last longer for some.

Because infants have an immature digestive system and swallow air during feedings, they are usually gassy [2]. In addition, some babies may be sensitive to certain types of formula or a breastfeeding mom's diet.

Baby Gas: Signs And Symptoms

Of course, all babies pass gas occasionally. However, here are some signs and symptoms of baby gas that are more than just usual [3]:

  • Suppose your baby cries and fusses for an hour or two a day. In that case, this could signify new-born gassiness related to having a tiny, underdeveloped digestive system. You should still talk to your paediatrician if it happens every day and doesn't seem to be getting better.
  • If your baby seems unhappy most of the time, this can indicate that he or she is especially gassy. In addition to normal new-born gassiness, the gas that causes significant upset often indicates an underlying problem.
  • There are problems with your baby's eating and sleeping. Several things, including infant gas, can cause sleeping or eating difficulties. Ask your doctor for a proper diagnosis if there are other symptoms.
  • When your baby cries, his/her face is red, and they seem like might be in pain.
  • When your baby is fussy, he/she squirms and pulls their legs up to the chest as if they are uncomfortable.
Causes Of Gas In Babies

Causes Of Gas In Babies

Infant gas has several possible causes [4]:

  • Newborns swallow air when they feed or cry, which is very common and normal.
  • Underdeveloped digestive system, allowing food to pass through too quickly and not be digested completely
  • Possibly hypersensitivities to certain types of formula or foods in the mom's diet, or possibly food allergies (although those are much rarer).
Home Remedies For Baby Gas: Tips For Prevention And Management

Home Remedies For Baby Gas: Tips For Prevention And Management

1. Try the colic carry: You can lay your baby tummy-down across your knees or hold him/her with your forearms under their belly and gently massage the back. Gas can be relieved with pressure on his stomach, plus a touch is a powerful tool for calming fussiness [5].

2. Rub baby's stomach: To get rid of gas, gently rub baby's stomach. Lay the baby on his/her back and massage the stomach with your fingers with little pressure. This moves the gas toward the digestive tract and throws it out of the body [6].

3. Feed your baby before meltdowns: A baby's crying is unpredictable, especially when he or she is very small. However, the more your baby cries, the more air he swallows (and the more gas he has). Therefore, it is important to learn the early hunger cues of infants to avoid hunger later on.

4. Give infant gas drops: Infant gas drops are generally considered safe for babies, even though they may not work for every baby. Be sure to check the label for formulations with as few preservatives as possible and consult with your baby's doctor before taking any action [7].

5. Do baby bicycles: Put your baby on his back and gently cycle his legs in a bicycling motion toward his tummy to manually push out trapped air. You may also gently push the baby's knees up to his tummy, hold for 10 seconds, then straighten his legs - repeat several times.

6. Give your baby a rub-down: Massage can sometimes help relieve gas. Give your baby a gentle rub on the belly, then rub their shoulders, backs, and legs. This might help him relax enough to pass gas.

7. Give lukewarm water: Give little lukewarm water when your baby is suffering from gas. Make sure that the water is not hot. The baby's throat is sensitive so give lukewarm water, which is not sensitive to touch. You can also bathe the baby in warm water. It soothes the body and also cures gas. The warmth of water expands the gas pocket to release the gas [8].

8. Avoid giving formula milk: Sometimes, the baby takes time to digest formula milk. Some ingredients in formula milk can build gas in the baby's stomach. Observe if the baby gets gas every time after drinking formula milk. If so, stop giving it.

9. Exercise: Lay the baby on the back and exercise gently on his/her legs. Hold the legs in your hand and move them in a circular motion as if cycling. This increases bowel movement and makes it easy to take out the bubble.

10. Involve in activities: Play with your baby. Involve in fun activities to make the gas come out the front of the body. For example, take him/her out or make the babysitter and play. This is to increase the body movements of the baby and will help the gas come out from the body as a burp or fart.

11. Check your diet if you're breastfeeding: Ask your paediatrician if you should eliminate foods that might cause gas in your baby if you're breastfeeding. Some foods that may cause baby gas include dairy products, caffeine, onions and cabbage [9].

When To Call The Doctor For A Gassy Baby

When To Call The Doctor For A Gassy Baby

In the following cases, you should see your doctor about gas to rule out more serious medical conditions [10]:

  • The baby isn't gaining weight.
  • Infant refuses to eat or is difficult to feed
  • Your baby seems constipated or has problems with bowel movements.
  • An allergic reaction such as hives, vomiting, rash, swelling of the face, and trouble breathing occurs after using a new gas treatment or formula.
  • On A Final Note...

    If your baby is gassy but growing and peeing and pooping normally for his age, you probably need to wait it out. Babies do get gassy, but it will pass.

  • How can I tell the difference between regular infant gas and colic?

    Since gas can make babies fussy, it might seem like a gassy baby is colicky. Still, colic and gassiness are two different conditions. Although otherwise healthy, colicky babies are inconsolable and have episodes of frequent, intense crying that can turn into screaming for long periods.

  • Sometimes, gassy babies might seem seriously uncomfortable or in pain. So how can you know if there's another problem?

    It is normal for your baby to fuss for a few seconds while passing gas, as long as it is generally happy. Even if they get red and make noise, it doesn't mean they're bothered by it. There's probably nothing wrong if they're happy between episodes and don't appear distressed during them. However, call your paediatrician if the distress continues for a longer period, even after they pass gas.