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Grapefruit Diet Plan: What Is It And How Does It Work For Weight Loss

Fad diets are very popular for losing weight. While some of these diets restrict calories, fat and carbohydrates, others work to lower your appetite. Some examples of these weight loss diets are vegan diet, ketogenic diet, paleo diet, Atkin's diet and the list goes on.

But, one such famous fad diet that needs mention is the grapefruit diet. The grapefruit diet has been around for a long time, since the 1930s. This weight loss diet plan is also known as the Hollywood diet or the mayo diet.


What Is The Grapefruit Diet? [1]

The grapefruit diet is a low carbohydrate and moderate protein diet that lets you consume meals which include grapefruits paired with meat, eggs and other protein-rich foods and foods high in dietary fat.

The grapefruit diet is usually followed for 10 or 12 days, followed by a resting period of two days. It is a strict diet plan, which allows the daily caloric intake of less than 1,000 calories.

The grapefruit diet restricts the intake of carbohydrates and high-fibre foods.

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How Does The Grapefruit Diet Plan Work For Weight Loss

This diet is a low-calorie diet which can help people in losing weight. It is because grapefruits are low in calories and an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the mammalian cells gets activated by an organic compound called nootkatone found in grapefruits [2] .

When the AMPK gets activated, it triggers the body's energy-producing processes and helps boost metabolism. This, in turn, is said to promote weight loss and prevent the risk of obesity [3] .

Benefits And Risks Of The Grapefruit Diet For Weight Loss

One of the benefits of the grapefruit diet is that you will get positive results within a few days. A study showed that 91 obese patients who were given fresh grapefruit or grapefruit juice had lost a significant amount of weight [4] .

Also, incorporating grapefruits into your diet will improve your overall health by boosting your immune system, preventing diabetes, promoting heart health, and reducing the risk of kidney stones, etc. [5] .

One of the risks of the grapefruit diet is that it excludes high-fibre and carbohydrate-rich foods. According to the Food and Drug Administration, grapefruits can also interfere with certain medications like some statin drugs, immune system suppressants, antiarrhythmic medications, and calcium channel blockers.

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The Grapefruit Diet Meal Plan

  • Breakfast - Two boiled eggs, two bacon slices and ½ grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
  • Lunch - Salad with dressing, meat, and ½ grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
  • Dinner - Red or green vegetables (except starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, corn, beans and peas), salad, meat or fish and ½ grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
  • Bedtime snack - A glass of low-fat milk.

Note: Grapefruit juice should be unsweetened.

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To Conclude...

The grapefruit diet is perfect for weight-conscious people and following it will let you achieve the desired results because grapefruits are highly nutritious. However, given the diet's risks, it is also important to not continue this diet for a long time.

View Article References
  1. [1] Juskiewicz, J., Zdunczyk, Z., Wroblewska, M., Oszmianski, J., & Hernandez, T. (2002). The response of rats to feeding with diets containing grapefruit flavonoid extract.Food Research International,35(2-3), 201-205.
  2. [2] Richter, E. A., & Ruderman, N. B. (2009). AMPK and the biochemistry of exercise: implications for human health and disease.The Biochemical journal,418(2), 261-275.
  3. [3] Murase, T., Misawa, K., Haramizu, S., Minegishi, Y., & Hase, T. (2010). Nootkatone, a characteristic constituent of grapefruit, stimulates energy metabolism and prevents diet-induced obesity by activating AMPK.American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism,299(2), E266-E275.
  4. [4] Fujioka, K., Greenway, F., Sheard, J., & Ying, Y. (2006). The effects of grapefruit on weight and insulin resistance: relationship to the metabolic syndrome.Journal of medicinal food,9(1), 49-54.
  5. [5] Murphy, M. M., Barraj, L. M., & Rampersaud, G. C. (2014). Consumption of grapefruit is associated with higher nutrient intakes and diet quality among adults, and more favorable anthropometrics in women, NHANES 2003-2008.Food & nutrition research,58, 10.3402/fnr.v58.22179.