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Toddler Bad Habits To Watch Out For

Toddler Bad Habits
Bad habits are something that should be never be encouraged. When it comes to toddlers, parents feel that they are too young to discipline. However, it is never too early to discipline a kid. If your toddler's habits are disturbing, then you must try to dissuade him or her from them. A toddler is at an interesting stage of development. He or she has grown enough to have an individuality but not big enough to develop social senses.

So, here are a list of bad habits that you need to watch out for in your toddler.

Banging The Table: If your toddler develops this habit, then you must put a stop to it immediately. He or she must bang the table in response to something you said or did. It could be a delay in giving food or a toy you took away, banging is a sign of defiance. This bad habit will become second nature if you do not nip it in the bud.

Head Banging: This is another irritating habit that your toddler might develop. Apart from being an act of defiance, it is also a self destructive act. It is time to discipline your kid when you see him or her banging the head.

Nose Digging: Although it is socially impolite to dig your nose, your kid does not understand that. It the child's nose itched or he/she feels suffocated, then they dig their nose. So do not become too high handed about putting down this bad habit. Try to distract the kid when he or she is digging their nose.

Throwing Things: Throwing away things like toys, food or other household items is form of toddler tantrum. You would notice that toddlers start throwing things when they are not happy about something. Some little devils may even do it for fun. Whatever it may be, a tantrum or a game, you need to curb this habit because it is a destructive one.

Playing With Genitals: Do not be shocked, all kids do it. You know the most surprising part, this not a bad habit at all. According to Freudian psychology, every toddler goes through a stage of bodily exploration, it is a part of growing up. You must not discourage the child from playing with their genitals or else it will become a fixation in later life. Your reactions to this habit of a toddler are very important. If you react viciously, then the child may fear his or her own sexuality forever. You must only persuade the child not explore his or her body in front of outsiders. It is a passing phase and will eventually end.

Toddlers can pose a big challenge to parents but it is your duty to help them grow into healthy kids and mature adults.

Read more about: toddlers parenting