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How Do Grandparents Spoil Your Child?

With both parents working these days, children are often left at home with their grandparents. It is a commonly known fact that grandparents spoil their grandchildren. It is very hard for grandparents to be the disciplinarians for their grand kids. However, if the grandparents spoil your child while you are away at work, you need to put a stop to it. It is one of the biggest parenting problems today.


As working parents, you do not have a choice but take help from your parents to raise your kids. But you are also aware of the fact that grandparents spoil your child while you are not there at home to monitor the child.

There are some typical ways in which grandparents spoil their grandchildren. These are some ways in which you can overcome the pampering that your kids get from their grandparents.

Grandparents Spoil Your Child

Indulge All Their Demand
Most grandparents are willing to indulge all the grandchild's demands no matter how unreasonable they might be. For example, they will allow the child to watch television for hours or have whatever toys they want even if it means going against your instructions.

Be Their Saviour
Kids often seek shelter from their grandparents when they are being disciplined by their parents. The grandparents often pick up fights with the parents in order to defend their grandkids even when it is not in their best interest.

Bad Food Habits
As some grandparents cannot say ‘no' to their grandchildren, they allow the kids to have junk food, sweets and all sorts of inappropriate things. These indulgences develop into bad eating habits and the kids often become obese when they are left in the care of their grandparents.

Kids left with their grandparents are prone to throwing tantrums because they know that such outbursts of temper will get them what they want. When they do not get the desired result, they throw tantrums with their parents.

Stammering and Baby Talk
Grandparents love to baby talk with their grandchildren even when they are toddlers. This makes the kids feel that baby talk is getting positive reinforcement. So they continue to mispronounce certain words and round off vowels leading to speech problems later in life.

There is no point in asking the question why grandparents spoil their grandchildren. It is one of the facts of life that people who were strict as parents become indulgent as grandparents. If you see that the situation is getting out of hand, you should discuss the problem with your parents (the kid's grandparents). If necessary, put the kids in a daycare facility to ensure that they are disciplined. It is also very important for you to give the grandparents the authority to discipline your kids.

Read more about: grandparents parenting kids