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Causes & Symptoms Of Kapha Dosha Imbalance In Your Body!

Most of us would be familiar with Ayurveda by now, right? Especially in India, Ayurveda and its amazing healing properties have become a household name!

Ayurveda is a form of alternative medicine with its roots in India. Centuries ago, the great sages of India developed Ayurveda in order to aid people to remain healthy, the natural way. Ayurveda derives its principles from the Vedas and certain other holy scriptures and uses natural ingredients in the preparation of medicines. This form of medicine has now become popular throughout the world, for its effectiveness and more important, its natural way of treating diseases, without side effects.

what is kapha dohsa

Now, according to Ayurvedic theories, every individual has a basic constitutional makeup of the body, based on which his/her health and well-being is determined. This Ayurvedic concept of the constitutional makeup of the body states the human body has three types of doshas, namely, kapha, vata and pitta.

When there is an imbalance of any of these doshas in the body, certain symptoms can crop up and cause ailments. In this article, we will be discussing in detail about the kapha dosha. Here are some of the symptoms of kapha dosha in the body.

What Is Kapha Dosha?

As we read earlier, according to Ayurveda, every person has a unique constitutional makeup known as the dosha. Kapha dosha is said to be the combination of the universal elements earth and water. The qualities of the doshas associated with a person determine the characteristics of that particular person.

Ayurveda states that people with kapha as their predominant dosha, have characteristics such as a larger body frame, larger facial features, oily skin, thicker hair, lower appetite, sluggishness etc. Now, it is important to understand the fact that, every person has all the three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha), however, in each person, just one dosha is predominant.

Every dosha also its own functions in the human body. Some of the functions of kapha dosha in your body are, lubrication of the joints and nerves in the brain to keep them healthy, boosting reproductive fluids, building of tissues, development of immune system and lymphatic system. So, the qualities and functions of the kapha dosha are very important to the body.

Many a time, an imbalance of the kapha dosha can occur in the body, leading to undesirable symptoms.

Below are some of the causes for the imbalance of the kapha dosha.

Causes For Kapha Dosha Imbalance

Some of the main causes for the kapha dosha imbalance in the body are eating foods which are cold and uncooked, not exercising on a regular basis, eating spicy foods, consuming foods rich in oil and processed sugar, exposing oneself to cold conditions, etc.

Symptoms Of Kapha Dosha Imbalance In The Body

  • A sweetish, metallic taste in the mouth
  • Pale skin
  • Itching sensation
  • Stickiness of the stool and sweat
  • Swelling of the body
  • Congestion of the nose and throat
  • Sinusitis
  • Increased mucous secretion in the respiratory system
  • Fluid Retention
  • Sore throat, cold and cough
  • Diabetes
  • Dullness of the mind
  • Lack of interest and enthusiasm

Tips To Correct Kapha Dosha Imbalance In The Body

Consuming foods that are bitter or pungent in taste can help with kapha dosha imbalance, as they help in detoxifying the system. These include garlic, onion, bitter gourd, etc. Other points to note include:

  • Consuming food when it is hot or warm.
  • Adding heated spices such as pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cumin, etc., to your diet.
  • Consuming freshly cooked food and avoiding the consumption of raw, re-heated old food.
  • Consuming light, dry foods more than heavy foods.
  • Adding honey to hot water and consuming the mixture.
  • Avoiding cold drinks and consuming only warm or hot drinks.
  • Consuming a lot of vegetables.
  • Adding corn, sunflower oil, ghee, sesame, pulses, milk, etc., to your diet.
  • Consuming meals at regular intervals.
  • Taking a deep breath after finishing your meal and having meals in peaceful environments.
  • Avoiding foods that are sweet, sour or salty.
  • Avoiding carbonated drinks and red meat.
  • Avoid alcohol, however, occasionally consuming a glass of dry red wine or white wine is healthy.

Read more about: ayurveda health