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How To Make Positive Changes In Your Life During Ramzan

Following these ways during the Ramzan time is surely going to help you have a positive attitude in life and reap good benefits in the future.

By Subodini Menon

The holy month of Ramzan is a spiritual time for prayer, self-evaluation and repentance. The month of Ramzan is a very good time to reflect on our life and make it even better.

As humans, we are all fallible. We are prone to ill thoughts, bad habits and decisions that affect our life in a negative way. When the holy month of Ramzan arrives each year, it brings with it a new chance for every believer to bring about a difference that helps direct our life towards the right path.


Often, we sit down for our prayers and see that our mind wanders. Many tend to perform their Namaz mechanically. It becomes difficult to concentrate on the prayers. We all get into a spiritual high when the holy month of Ramzan comes. We also feel especially close to the almighty during the Hajj period.

Have you ever stopped and wondered why it is that we do not feel this spiritually high the rest of the year? If all these feelings and questions rise in your mind too, then the need of the hour is to bring about serious changes in our lives.

We always make objectives that often end up in failure. It might be the decision to read a page of Quran every day once or the decision to give up a bad habit during the month of Ramzan. These resolutions or intents often fail because we make these due to the pressure of the religious atmosphere.

What we need to do is to make it a point to create permanent changes that will last a life-time. Read on to find out about the tips that will help you make positive changes in your life starting with this Ramzan.

Use The Ramzan Hype

Try to create a buzz of Ramzan in your life and surroundings. Use this spiritual fervour to improve yourself. If you have Ramzan in your mind all the time, you will surely start to throw off the bad and negative things in your life.

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Make A Plan This Ramzan

Create a plan for Ramzan. This plan must include little changes that will create a huge impact on your spiritual and personal life. Reading a paragraph of the Quran and donating something small each day are some of the examples of the things you may try. Remember that huge plans that will require you to completely change your lifestyle is not feasible. Such plans will soon fail. Another thing is to make sure that these plans do not end with the month of Ramzan. Be sure that you will follow it into the future as well.

Be Conscious Mentally

You must prepare yourself mentally for this change in your life. Be conscious of your thoughts. If you are planning to eat healthy starting from Ramzan, be careful of the wandering thoughts of food that are bad for you. Acknowledge these bad thoughts and correct the ways of your thinking. For example, if you start thinking of eating fast food subconsciously, acknowledge that you are having these thoughts. Tell yourself that it is okay to falter sometimes, but now onwards you shall only have food that is healthy for you.

Make Worship Your Main Motto

Worship must be the main aim of your life. Rest of your life must be built around prayers and worship. Do not think that you shall allocate a specified amount of time for worship. Think of it this way - All your day is for worship. Each chore must be seen as a break from your main objective of prayers. When this becomes the mindset, the bad habits would fall away. You will not want to take a break from your prayers to practice bad habits and negative behaviour.

Spiritual Preparation For Ramzan

It is just not practical to decide that the changes will be made from the first day of Ramzan. Such plans are doomed from the start and do not last long. Ideally, you must start to practice your plan long before the holy month of Ramzan. This way, you will be allowing for one or two falling offs and you will still be prepared for the plan by the time of the month of Ramzan.

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