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9 Ways To Avoid Premature Labour

Delivering a baby is both a painful and stressful affair. Most women prefer to plan their delivery well in advance. There is the question of applying for maternity leave and getting the hospital cabin booked. However, premature labour pains can spoil all your plans and result in a preterm birth. Not only does premature labour put you in an emergency situation, it might also have recursions for your baby.

Babies who have preterm birth have to be kept in an incubator under intensive care unit. Infants who are born during the third trimester of pregnancy are often not fully developed. A baby is ready to be born only after 38 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. However, if the mother starts having premature labour pains, then an under-developed baby is born. Although preterm birth procedures are very sophisticated now, there are still incidences of infant mortality due to premature labour.

So the possibility of premature labour is something that every pregnant women would like to avoid. Having some foods like pineapple during pregnancy may trigger labour pain before time. Even a lack of essential omega-3-fatty acids may be the cause of preterm birth before your term is over.

If you are pregnant and wish to avoid the occurrence of premature labour, then try these tricks.

Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal Vitamins

Keep taking all the prenatal vitamins like calcium, vitamin K, folic acid etc that have been prescribed to you. Malnutrition is one of the main causes of premature birth.

Omega-3-fatty Acids

Omega-3-fatty Acids

It has been found out that having sufficient amount of omega-3-fatty acids prevents blood from clotting on the uterine walls. This ensures better implantation of the embryo.

Gum Diseases

Gum Diseases

Although it might sound strange, gum diseases during pregnancy can result in early labour pains. So, do not ignore your dental problems when you are pregnant.

Drink Lots Of Water

Drink Lots Of Water

You will be very thirsty during your pregnancy and you must quench your thirst regularly. This is because dehydration can also trigger premature labour pains.

Urinate Frequently

Urinate Frequently

Whenever you feel like using the toilet (which is very frequently during the later stage of your pregnancy), relieve yourself immediately. Holding your urine puts pressure on your enlarged uterus.

Eat At Short Intervals

Eat At Short Intervals

It is not enough to eat the right foods. You must also ensure that you eat food at the right time. Eating small but frequent meals does not bloat your stomach and thus, it does not put pressure on the uterus.

Watch What You Eat

Watch What You Eat

Never eat fruits like papaya and pineapple during your pregnancy. They have chemicals that can trigger uterine contractions before your baby is fully developed.

Don't Lift Heavy Weights

Don't Lift Heavy Weights

Lifting heavy articles puts pressure on your placenta. In the early stages of your pregnancy, a broken placenta may cause miscarriage. But in the third trimester of your pregnancy, it will result into a preterm birth.

Don't Bloat Up

Don't Bloat Up

Lifting too much weight could be one of the reasons of a preterm delivery. Too much body weight puts pressure on your uterus and you may go into labour early.

Read more about: pregnancy prenatal child birth