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7 Skin Care Tips To Pamper Your Body

Does your skin feel dry and itchy of late? If yes, then your skin might need an immediate attention. When the skin turns dry and looks pale on the outside, it is a sign that your body lacks water and nourishment.

Pampering your skin on the inside and outside is important, therefore, adding healthy fruits and vegetables to your daily diet is a must.

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On the other hand, you should also follow certain skin care tips that will enable you to look after your pores.

Taking a hot shower in any of the seasons can damage your skin. Likewise, avoiding to pamper your skin with desired moisturisers and homemade lotions can make your skin look all the more miserable.

Also Read: How Coconut Oil Helps To Keep Skin Soft

On the other hand, you should also turn to massages every week, as regular massages can improve blood circulation in the body, and this in turn will help to make your skin glow and look naturally beautiful.

So, waste no more time, here is your chance to look after your skin this summer. Take a look at these 7 tips to make your skin feel baby soft:

Avoid Hot Water For Bath:

Avoid Hot Water For Bath:

Hot baths can destroy your skin. When the water is hot, it tends to remove all the natural oils from your skin and leaves behind a pale and dull look. In some cases, it can leave you with an itchy skin too. Therefore, opt for lukewarm water or a cool water bath instead.

Stick To Only Moisturising Soaps:

Stick To Only Moisturising Soaps:

Using a good quality soap or body wash is important, as it will help to nourish and pamper the skin with care in the summer. Make sure that the soap has moisture and is cream based.

Protect Your Skin In The Sun:

Protect Your Skin In The Sun:

The harmful rays of the sun can damage your skin extensively. If you want to protect your skin, apply a good amount of sunscreen lotion before stepping outdoors.

Massage Your Skin Once In A Week:

Massage Your Skin Once In A Week:

Massage your skin once in a week, as it will help in improving the blood circulation and thus will aid in giving you a natural glow.

Honey Massages Work The Best:

Honey Massages Work The Best:

Honey is a natural ingredient, which can be used on the skin to make it more soft and smooth. To one tablespoon of honey, add one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this solution to your skin and after 15 minutes rinse your face well. This treatment will cleanse the pores and increase your complexion.

Fall In Love With Cucumbers:

Fall In Love With Cucumbers:

Cucumber juice helps to hydrate the skin. The juice also has properties that help in removing tan from the skin and, at the same time, will make your skin soft and supple.

Natural Oils To The Rescue:

Natural Oils To The Rescue:

Natural oils always work wonders for your skin. Opt for olive and coconut oils if you want to pamper your skin with an oil massage. The properties present in the oils will act on the pores, giving you a deep cleanse.

Read more about: skin care body care summer skin