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10 Common Baby Making Mistakes

Around 50 years ago making babies was easy. People started families at an earlier age, few women suffered from PCOD, and people did not lead busy lifestyles that lead to stress.


If you've been trying for a long time with no success, that's definitely because you've been doing something wrong. Baby making has become more difficult than ever and changing any little thing might affect your chances.


Here are 10 common baby-making mistakes you might be doing that is stopping you from getting pregnant:

1. Not Enough Sex

Don't ignore your partner's need and don't have sex only for trying. Our bodies are unique and might surprise you with a pregnancy even when your partner isn't ovulating. It is a complete myth that having too much sex can reduce the potency of a man's sperm. Having sex throughout the month increases your chance of conception.

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The fertility window is very short, so you don't want to miss any second of it. Ovulation predictor kits aren't as accurate as we think they are, so trust your and your partner's body to do the right thing.

2. Too Much Sex

Having sex every day for getting pregnant isn't going to get you anywhere either. Too much sex is going to lower your appetite and you'd do it without any passion, which is required in the process. When you aren't passionate enough, the man's sperm count will be lower and you won't get pregnant. Make love every day but no more than once because then the sperm count will be brought down.


3. Only Doing Missionary Position

It is a common notion to think that missionary position and other gravity-friendly positions help you in conceiving babies but that's only a myth. In any other position, once the semen is ejaculated inside the cervical cavity, it merges with the mucus and swims its way through the fallopian tube. Don't make the baby-making process boring and experiment with new positions. Try all those crazy positions mentioned in magazines and have a blast with your partner.

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4. Not Following Your Menstrual Cycle

The fertility window is very small and demands precision. During the planning process, track your periods for a couple of months and understand how it works. A normal menstrual cycle lasts for 28 to 38 days and if yours fall in between, then there's nothing wrong with you. In one month, you might get your periods within 30 days, while in the other you might not get for 37 days.


Sperm can live for up to three to five days inside the female body, so having sex a couple days before ovulation can also get you pregnant. Use an app to track your dates, which will take an average and tell you the days on which you are the most fertile.

5. Rushing To A Fertility Doctor

You've been trying for a couple months and the stick isn't turning positive, which is making you worry about infertility issues. Baby making takes a while, some may take more than six months to a year and both the partners won't have any issues with the reproductive system. Wait for at least eight to ten months before going to a fertility doctor.


6. Going To The Doctor Too Late

If you are over 35 years of age and it has been six months since you are trying, you should go to a fertility doctor. Get both of you checked because you never know who has the issue and whether it can be solved or not. Even if you are younger and have a medical history of pelvic inflammation, sexually transmitted diseases, or irregular or very painful periods, then you should consult a doctor during the family planning phase.


7. Using Chemical Lubricants

Using chemical lubricants does not allow the semen to mix with the cervical mucus, which in turn lowers its potency. Check up on the Internet or ask your doctor for a sperm-friendly semen that doesn't impede its motility. If sex is too painful, try to ease up the pain first and only then move on to making a baby. You should be comfortable and ready in all sense to conceive. You can use natural lubricants like vegetable oil, baby oil, or egg whites, which don't impede the process.

8. Possible Male Fertility Issues

Men are never ready to take the blame on themselves but you need to make them understand that something is wrong. Go for a checkup and let the doctor break the news to him, so that he doesn't take it too much to the heart.

Some common fertility problems faced by men include low sperm count and low sperm motility, which can be caused by genetic abnormalities, chemotherapy for cancer, varicocele veins, undescended testicle, infection in the testicle or prostrate, or anabolic steroids.

9. Blaming It On The Female

Living in the patriarchal world has only done harm to the female body. Even if the male is impotent, the female gets blamed for her bad luck. Living in the 21st century calls for a change. There might a problem with both of them or with no one.

50 per cent of infertility issues are to do with women but a good 40 per cent are to do with men. 10 per cent of issues are with both of them or neither. Remember that there's always a solution to the problem. If fertility drugs or IVF doesn't work, you can adopt and become parents.

10. Neglecting Health

Do not neglect your general health because that influences your ability to conceive. When you consume excessive amount of salt, sugar, and fat, it reduces cervical mucus and sperm count and can lead to obesity, polycystic ovarian disorder, and increased stress levels. Control your appetite and try losing weight before baby making.

Go for genetic testing during the planning process, so that if you or your partner have any genetic issue, you can decide how to go about. Also, do a complete body test and have all your vitals checked, so that you start the baby-making process without any tension.
