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6 Homemade Skin Whitening Creams That Work!

By Kumutha

Let's be straight here, the objective should not be "white skin" per se, but skin that is free of spots, and is radiant and healthy. And the homemade creams for fair skin we are going to explore in this article will do exactly that.

Why should you make skin-lightening creams at home when over-the-counter products can do all that?

Firstly, these products are not what they claim to be! More often than not, these products are clogged with synthetic derivatives, toxic chemicals, harsh bleach and skin-chocking fragrances that can be only damaging to the skin.

Whereas, Ayurvedic creams for clear skin are 'au naturale', gentle on the skin and free of toxins.

homemade cream for clear skin

Though ayurvedic creams for whiter skin may take considerably longer to show results, you can rest easy knowing they are not polluting your bloodstreams.

Few things you can do to prevent your skin from darkening is to avoid direct exposure to the UV rays, refrain from heavy cosmetics, drink an ample amount of water, keep your mind cool, and the golden rule - eat right!

Combined with that, here are 6 natural cream that will help you get fair skin! Take a look.

homemade cream for clear skin

Recipe #1
Lactic acid in yogurt clears the skin of dark spots, a natural humectant that moisturises skin and almond has a high amount of antioxidants that boost the collagen production of the skin.

1 teaspoon of yogurt
1 teaspoon of honey
2 tablespoons of ground almond
½ a teaspoon of lime juice

How It Works
Mix finely ground almond powder with honey, lime juice and yogurt.
Whisk until all the ingredients combine well and you get a paste-like consistency.
Massage the mixture on to your face, leave it overnight and rinse your face the next morning.
Apply this homemade cream for clear skin every night before going to bed.

homemade cream for clear skin

Recipe #2
This cream is a great idea to keep dry skin at bay, as it contains antioxidants, vitamin E and antiseptic properties that will hydrate the skin, making it visibly brighter.

1 tablespoon of cocobutter
10 drops of almond oil
5 drops of rosemary oil

How It Works
Mix all the ingredients together.
Whip it rigorously, until you get a thin smooth paste.
Wash your face with a mild cleanser.
Massage the cream. Leave it overnight.
These kitchen ingredients will give you visibly whiter skin in just two weeks.

homemade cream for clear skin

Recipe #3
Vitamin B6, vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids present in this natural skin-lightening cream will remove pigmentation, fine lines, making skin appear even-toned and visibly brighter.

10 drops of almond oil
10 drops of tea tree oil
5 drops of coconut oil

How It Works
Mix all the oils together.
Apply it evenly though your face and neck.
Leave it on overnight.

Note: Avoid this cream during the day, as it can make your skin overly greasy.

homemade cream for clear skin

Recipe #4
Aloesin present in aloe vera controls the skin's melanin production, and vitamin C and humectant present in honey gives the skin an instant radiance.

1 tablespoon of aloe vera
1 teaspoon of honey

How It Works
Combine the ingredients in a bowl.
Mix until you get a thin consistency.
Apply it on to your face and neck.
When your skin begins to stretch and when you notice a thin film, wash it off.
This cream is ideal for an instant radiance.

homemade cream for clear skin

Recipe #5
Astringent present in rose water removes the skin of impurities and tones it, and citric acid present in lemon acts as a natural bleach.

1 tablespoon of rose water
1 teaspoon of lime juice

How It Works
Mix the rose water and lime juice together.
Place the solution in the refrigerator.
Using a cotton pad, gently dab it on to your skin.
This homemade solution will make your skin appear instantly brighter, softer and smoother.

homemade cream for clear skin

Recipe #6
Cucumber is a natural coolant, which also binds collagen, ensuring your skin stays supple and smooth. And potato has a mild bleaching agent that helps lighten the skin.

1 teaspoon of cucumber juice
1 teaspoon of potato juice
1 teaspoon of honey

Mix all the ingredients together.
Gently, dab it on to your face.
Let it sit for 15 minutes.
Once you feel your skin stretch, rinse it clean with lukewarm water.
Use this homemade cream for clear skin every day for visible results.