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When To Purchase Items And Where To Keep Broom In The House, As Per Vastu

The broom in your house is not only useful for cleaning, but it also has a lot of religious importance. Many types of religious beliefs are also associated with the broom. On the day of Dhanteras, a new broom is bought in many homes and included in the worship.

Vastu Tips: What To Purchase

Along with this, many Vastu rules are also associated with the broom, due to which the prosperity of wealth and the abode of Goddess Lakshmi remains in the house. Know about these Vastu rules related to a broom, and by following this you too can keep financial problems at bay from your house.

Buy New Broom For Home On This Day

According to Vastu, Saturday is considered the most auspicious day to buy a new broom for the house. Buying a new broom on Saturdays brings happiness and peace to the house and Goddess Lakshmi remains happy. Keep in mind that the broom must be bought only on any Saturday of Krishna Paksha. Never buy a new broom during Shukla Paksha, it is an indicator of bad luck.

Do Not Keep Broom In Front Of Your Eyes

The broom must not be kept in the open space or in front of the eyes. Just as the wealth of your house is kept hidden, the broom must also be kept covered or hidden someplace. It must not be kept outside the house even in the open, because of this the positivity of the house goes out.

Don't Keep The Broom Standing In Your Home

The broom must always be kept lying down. Keeping the broom standing brings poverty to the house. It is always advised to keep it lying on the ground as it brings prosperity and blessings to the house.

Do Not Throw Old Broom On This Day

After getting a new broom, we throw away the old broom from the house. According to Vastu, do not throw the old broom off your house by mistake even on Thursday and Friday. Do this work only on Amavasya or Saturday.

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Read more about: vastu tips spirituality