These Are The Ways Doctors Prevent The Risk Of Getting UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) Again

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) is one of the most common infections prevalent among women.

This infection occurs in your urinary tract system which mainly comprises of the urethra, bladder and the kidney.

The infection in the urinary tract is generally caused by microbes such as bacteria. It can cause mild to severe pain. If not taken care of on time, it might be dangerous causing severe damage to the kidney as well.

Women with urinary tract infection generally have abrupt onset of multiple symptoms which include frequency, urgency, burning sensation and stinging sensation with lower abdominal pain and back pain while passing urine.

Recurrent UTI are repeated episodes of the same infection or it could be a relapse in an otherwise young woman. The most common organism associated with recurrent UTI is E. coli.

A positive urine culture is the standard for diagnosing UTI. Women with recurrent UTI can be treated with continuous or prophylactic antibiotics.

The strongest risk factor for recurrent UTI in young women is frequency of sexual intercourse. Mechanical and physiological changes in post menopausal women including uterovaginal descent, cystocele and increased post void residual urine also could contribute as a causative factor for recurrent UTI.

So with the National Doctor's Day around, Dr. Madhushree Vijayakumar, Consultant OBGYN, Motherhood Hospitals, Bengaluru shares the best ways to prevent the risk of getting UTI again.

Best Preventive Tips For UTI:

1. Antibiotics:

Antibiotics reduce the risk of recurrent UTI in women with two episodes of infection in the previous year. Occasionally, six months of continuous antibiotic treatment will be required.

2. Cranberry:

Cranberry extracts and vitamin C supplements have also been found benefiting for women with recurrent UTI. Also one needs to increase the fluid intake. Drinking plenty of water helps.

3. Foods & Beverages To Avoid:

You need to be extra careful about the food that you consume. Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, spicy food, smoking and carbonated drinks is a must to prevent the recurrence of UTI.

4. Personal Hygiene:

Women with recurrent UTIs are advised to avoid tight undergarments and cleanliness which includes wiping from front to back and to use fragrance-free personal hygiene products.

5.When To Consult A Doctor:

For post-menopausal women, local oestrogen cream has been found to be beneficial. For complicated recurrent UTI, higher order intravenous antibiotics would be necessary.

These patients require consultation liaision with urologists/renal specialists. Urinary Tract Imaging studies are recommended if structural abnormalities are suspected.