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10 Challenging Parenting Problems And Their Solutions

Parenting is the most amazing joyride ever. But the ones who experience it, admit that the journey can turn quite bumpy sometimes. Children explore, learn to adapt to new things and face different challenges as they grow up. Times like this can be taxing for parents too. However, being patient, caring, open and accommodative can help any situation to a large extent.

Let us acknowledge 10 most challenging parenting issues in this article and have a look at how you can deal with them with a smile on your face.

Challenging Parenting Problems

1. Tantrums

Temper tantrums are your child's ways to show that he/she feels upset, or frustrated for not getting something his way.


  • Stay calm and do not react instantly.
  • If your child is crying, tell him that you are ready to listen to him once he stops crying.
  • Try to distract your child.
  • Do not give in to the tantrums and agree to what your kid wants. Rather, continue with your regular activities until he calms down.

2. Disobeying

The sense of growing independence can sometimes result in disobeying parents and saying no to whatever you want your kid to do. However, it is important to react positively in situations like this.


  • Respect your child's opinion and stay calm and composed.
  • Ask him why he doesn't want to do something and listen to him patiently.
  • Explain to your child why you want him to do something. Choose your words carefully.
  • Do not yell at him as this might complicate the situation.

3. Aggressive Attitude

Parents' worst nightmare ever is to handle an aggressive and angry child. It could be really challenging when your child screams, breaks and throws things. This aggravates into a bullying attitude that affects other kids and neighbours alike. It is quite necessary to deal with this violent behaviour patiently.


  • Talk to your child and try to find out why he is frustrated.
  • If your kid is stressed due to any situation at school, try talking to his teachers for probable solutions.
  • If the anger pangs seem to be frequent and increasing, you can seek the help of an anger management counsellor [1] .

4. Lying

Almost every child lies at some point in time. But when you do not talk to them about it, this can turn into a habit, when you will find your child lying more often, and no time your child might well start hiding important things from you.


  • Avoid scolding your child when he lies. Rather try to figure out why he needed to lie, through an open conversation.
  • Let your little one know why he shouldn't be lying, put across a logical explanation. Also, it is important to teach him how to distinguish between right and wrong.
  • Once your kid is assured that he would not be scolded or beaten even when he commits a mistake, he would not fear to tell you the truth.
Challenging Parenting Problems

5. Sibling Rivalry

Sibling fights and arguments happen in every household. However, most parents take this for granted. Overlooking this for a long time can manifest into hatred and more violent physical fights.


  • Do not indulge in a blame game. Make sure you do not hold anyone or the other for the fight.
  • Calm them down and resolve the situation.
  • Encourage them to do resolve the issues without being disrespectful in future. Suggest them ways to do it themselves.
  • Make a rule that both the children will have to pay a penalty if they fight

6. Improper Eating Habits

Munching on snacks, fast food and sweets is something children enjoy the most. They often throw a fit by the very mention of vegetables and fruit. Parents have a tough time trying to develop a healthy eating habit.


  • Make sure not to force your child to eat something you want
  • Educate your child about the health benefits of eating nutritious food. Show your child examples of health issues involved with eating too much junk food.
  • Let you child help you cooking a balanced meal.
Challenging Parenting Problems

7. Device/Gadget Addiction

In this era of modernisation, our lives revolve around digital devices. Parents tend to take help from phones and video games in order to keep the kids occupied and entertained. Many parents even rely on electronic devices while feeding their children so that they eat faster. It definitely makes their jobs easier, but in the long run, this daily habit can turn into device addiction.


  • Do not depend on digital devices too much as a parent to keep your child busy.
  • Introduce your child to outdoor activities and board games that could alternate the same amount of fun and excitement.
  • Try to establish some gadget rules, such as enforcing specific playing time.

8. Reluctant To Study

Children can act quite stubborn when it comes to studying daily. Forcing in such cases, generally doesn't work.


  • Do not pressurise your child to perform well and take part in the rat race.
  • Try to discuss how studying will help your kid in future, give examples.
  • If your child is genuinely disinterested in studies, try to figure out the reason and what he likes doing instead.
  • Help your little one choose his path slowly, do not try to control his choices.

9. Constant Complaining

Whining and complaining is very common among children of growing age. However, this tendency can become a matter of concern if it continues throughout the day or for a prolonged period of time.


  • Talk to your child rather than ignoring it
  • Offer a solution as soon as you hear your child complaining.
  • Teach him how to resolve some of his problems himself, or how he can communicate his issues the right way instead of whining.
  • Try to make him realise that some of his problems are not as big as he thinks them to be.

10. Introvert Child

It may concern you if your child is introvert and aloof in school or in the neighbourhood. It is natural to be worried for your kid and feel that he is being left out and missing the fun of playing and interacting with others of his age.


  • Every child has his own pace and comfort zone.
  • Do not force your child to do anything against his will.
  • Observe your kid and try to understand his personality.
  • You can try to talk to him gently about making more friends, in case he is feeling shy, try to boost up his confidence slowly by talking to him every day. Do not rush the process.

Under any circumstances, do not forget that your child is doing his best to cope with his surroundings. Putting yourself in his shoes and being compassionate towards his feelings will solve a lot of issues. Do not try to impose your expectations on him and let your child be himself.

View Article References
  1. [1] Gillies, D., Maiocchi, L., Bhandari, A. P., Taylor, F., Gray, C., & O'Brien, L. (2016). Psychological therapies for children and adolescents exposed to trauma.The Cochrane database of systematic reviews,10(10), CD012371.