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Simple Cleaning Tricks For Rooms

Cleanliness, they say, is next to godliness. However, keeping your surroundings clean is not always easy. This is all the way true when we speak of the rooms within our houses.

The reason for this may be attributed to the fact that often, we take it for granted that the place inside the house is one where dust and dirt do not get accumulated and hence it does not get dirty in the first place.

Going a step further, some people are of the belief that merely leaving the footwear outside the four walls of the house will ensure that the house is spick and span. However, that is far from being true.

Simple Cleaning Tricks For Rooms

In reality, irrespective of how hard one tries to keep footwear and outer dirt at bay, the rooms within the house will get dirty, unless one cleans it on a periodic basis.

At this point making excuses like "I don't stay in the house for more than a few hours every day" or "But no one uses that particular room" will be of no help.

Thus, to keep all such excuses at bay and maintaining a tidy household, here are a dozen cleaning tips for rooms.

1. Make Your Bed As Soon As You're Up

1. Make Your Bed As Soon As You're Up

Often, people are seen to be postponing this basic task. Doing so will lead to accumulation of more tasks like dusting the furniture and sweeping the room. Eventually, so much work will be piled up that you will not feel like doing anything

So, the best way to go about with it is to ensure that you make your bed before you even brush your teeth in the morning. Remember, making your bed does not take much of an effort but will go a long way in maintaining the cleanliness of the room.

2. Pick Up Things

2. Pick Up Things

Whenever you notice something that is not in its proper place, make sure you pick it up and put it in its place. Do not delay such matters. Doing so will only make it more difficult for you to clean up your room later.

3. Buy Organizers

3. Buy Organizers

These days, you get organizers for anything and everything under the sun. Be it a laundry bag or a bag to store all your inner wear, there is nothing that does not have a box dedicated to its organization. Make sure you spend time in picking the perfect organizers for yourself. This will go a long way in keeping your room tidy.

4. Push Aside The Bed And Clean Under It

4. Push Aside The Bed And Clean Under It

Just because there is a bed on top, it does not mean that dust will not accumulate under it. Having a dusty setting under your bed will pave the way for a number of allergies and can make you sick. In order to avoid all that, the best way out is to change the position of your bed frequently and make sure that your broom or vacuum cleaner touches every nook and corner under your bed.

5. Keeping Cleaning Supplies In One Place

5. Keeping Cleaning Supplies In One Place

It can be pretty frustrating if you do not find your cleaning supplies when you need them the most. It can also lead to you quitting the cleaning activity altogether, which will only make the room more untidy. Hence, the most important trick for a clean room is to keep the supplies (like cleaning agents, brooms and dust pans) together.

6. Get Rid Of The Rotten Items

6. Get Rid Of The Rotten Items

Often, milk, fruits or other perishable items that are present in the room may have gone bad and you may be too lazy to have checked on that. This will attract flies and other insects and give off a bad smell. All of that will in turn make the room all the way dirtier. So, make sure that you get rid of perishable items that have already perished.

7. Use A Clean Gym Sock For Both Your Hands

7. Use A Clean Gym Sock For Both Your Hands

By dabbing one gym sock with water and keeping the other dry, you will have a duster and a scrubber together. Use the duster over all the dry surfaces in the room and the scrubber over all the sticky and stained ones. That way, you will not just save on the time and effort needed to clean the room but also make sure that the room is cleaned in a more efficient manner.

8. Open The Windows

8. Open The Windows

While we understand that for working professionals it is not always possible to open doors and windows, it is a good practice to do so, at least once in a while. This will ensure that the room is airy and fresh, which in turn will aid in its cleanliness.

9. Flip The Mattress

9. Flip The Mattress

You might be very comfortable with the place you sleep in. However, it is undeniable that with regular usage, the mattress you sleep in is bound to get dusty. Flipping the same at a periodic interval will work wonders.

10. Clean The Floors

10. Clean The Floors

Some people think that cleaning a room involves sweeping the floor and then go ahead with dusting the furniture. They often ignore the important aspect of mopping the floor. Make sure you do not make that mistake. Also, look at the carpet. If it is too dusty, make sure that you vacuum the same.

11. Do Not Neglect The Mirror

11. Do Not Neglect The Mirror

Remember that a mirror not just reflects your bodily appearance, but the way you treat it reflects your outlook of life. That is why, it is important to keep it clean. Make sure you clean the mirror once every week with an all-purpose cleaner.

12. Vacuum Out The Closet

12. Vacuum Out The Closet

Do not be of the belief that whatever is inside the closet is hidden from the eye and is hence free from all dirt. When you vacuum your closet, you will be surprised to see a considerable amount of dirt coming from the same. In order to avoid things getting over-dirty and you over-working on the same, the best way out is to vacuum the same on a regular basis.

Read more about: cleaning tips tricks