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Expert Article: Vasantik Vamana, Preventive Purification Procedure For Better Health

The non-specific immunity response, mostly cellular immunity, is processed by a series of events that include increased blood circulation, leaking capillaries, cellular actions, etc. This response can be improved by certain measures of purification.

One such mechanism is the scavenging of free radicals; detoxicating and removal can improve normal homeostasis of the body tissues and repair mitochondrial function (these are the energy house of cells. A cell gets diseased if the mitochondria fail to work optimally).

Ancient Ayurvedic scholars seemed to have known of this phenomenon and hence advocated for periodical purification of the body that eliminates morbid body humours, free radicals, an intermediate product of metabolism, unusable biochemical substances.

What Is Vasantik Vamana?

How Purification of the Body Provides Better Quality of Life

There is a circadian change in the body hormones, these are believed to be occurring due to the effect of environmental factors on the body. It has been observed that in the disease-prone upper half of the body (kapha dominated area), respiratory illness and viral illness are common in springs (vasant); the disorders of GIT and large intestine is quite common in summer months; blood-related disease, microbial illness surge from the rainy season and continues till the complication of autumn (after Diwali). In India, this is the rainy season or monsoon period. Following of strict diet regimen and routine like observing religious fast ensures better health in the seasons.

Body hormones tend to change their state as per circadian variation (above diagram) Kapha accumulates in Sishir (early winter) and provokes in the season of springs, and if the vitiation is contained it returns to its normal state. A similar change takes place in the other two body hormones, Vata accumulates in summer and vitiates in monsoon whereas Pitta accumulates in the rainy season and vitiates in autumn.

Honey, oil and ghee (clarified butter) have been suggested to be the most important foodstuff and medicaments to neutralise the toxic effects of Kapha, Vata and Pitta respectively. If the morbid body hormones (body toxins) are in excess, they may be required thrown out by detoxicating the body by purification. The best modality for Vata, Pitta and Kapha are Basti, Virechana (therapeutic purgation), Vamana (therapeutic emesis) respectively.

Vasantik Vaman, Preventive Purification Procedure For Better Health

The purification procedures detoxify the body by removing body hormones i.e. Doshas from the body by means of purgation, emesis, medicated enema, nasal administration of medicaments. This may be understood and interpreted that these procedures first scavenge the free radicals, intermediate products of metabolism, aged body tissues, matured cells, and unwanted biochemical stress from different parts of the body to the alimentary tract and then removed out of the body by emesis or purgation.

In Vasant Ritu or spring season, there is a provocation of kapha in the body that may make the body susceptible to microbial illness (commonly viral respiratory illness, eruptive fevers, respiratory problem, etc.); to maintain normal homeostasis and general health the removal of this morbid material is essential. Vamana or therapeutic emesis being the best procedure for the disorders of Kapha and best in eliminating Kapha from body therapeutic emesis in the spring season is advocated. As the procedure occurs in the month of spring it is called Vasantik Vamana.

How Can You Undergo this Procedure?

Vasantik Vamana is considered best for detoxing the body as it is considered a mild procedure (Mrudu Sodhan to Madhyam Sodhana). This is essential to people prone to respiratory illness, disease related to blood, skin diseases, associated potential risk of microbial infections (policemen, doctors, bankers, etc.), obese (person with BMI more than 32), the person who has a family history of metabolic disorders, persons with history with respiratory infections, etc. between the age group of 16 to 60 may undergo the procedure of Vasantik Vamana for positive health.

Who Should Not Undertake the Vasantik Vaman Procedure?

Vasantik Vamana is contraindicated in a person with debilitating diseases, excessive weak person, excessive asthenic person, resistant to emesis, a person not following the instruction of a physician. In diseases like cardiovascular illness, stroke, diabetes mellitus, cancer, and others the procedure may be employed with due care.

Vasantik Vaman, Preventive Purification Procedure For Better Health

Whom Should You Consult for Vasantik Vaman?

Vasantik Vamana can be performed by a qualified Panchakarma - Ayurveda physician or it may be done at Ayurveda Hospital. You may consult an Ayurvedic physician or Ayurvedic hospital, Ayurvedic physician after examining constitution, digestive strength, body strength, morbidity, age, will decide the dosage and plan for therapeutic emesis.

Benefits of Vasantik Vaman

Ayurveda classic narrates that periodical purification eliminates the morbid Doshas, the morbid Doshas may be contained if pacified that can vitiate in the favourable environment but if eliminated morbid Doshas gets eliminated would not provoke and disease would not occur.

It may be presumed on the basis of classical description that the Vasantik Vaman procedure regulates the function of resistance against disease, liver function, improves tissues nutrition, provides longevity by improving cellular defence mechanism.

Vasantik Vamana is an advisable therapeutic procedure for detoxing the body.

Disclaimer: For more details and procedures one may contact an ayurvedic physician or ayurvedic hospital. This is presented in the public interest for awareness about preventive medicine in Ayurveda.

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