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Did You Know That Talking To Yourself Can Reduce Stress? The Benefits Of Positive Self-talk

Talking to yourself is not silly, but integral to your mental health, says studies [1]. Self-talk or the act of talking to yourself can be negative and positive, and it will leave a mark on you. That is, the conversation you have with yourself can have an impact on your stress levels, memory power and more [2].

The Benefits Of Positive Self-talk

Self-talk can be both positive and negative, where it can be encouraging and distressing. Studies point out that nature or the mood of self-talk depends on each individual's personality [3] and also that positive way of thinking can be an effective stress management tool [4].

What Is Positive Self-Talk?

What Is Positive Self-Talk?

Mental health experts state that optimists have a better quality of life [5]. Negative self-talk can have a negative impact on your life, and just the same way positive self-talk can have positive effects on your life and help improve yourself as a person.

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In simple words, self-talk is something you do naturally throughout your waking hours, wherein positive self-talk can be considered as a powerful tool for elevating your self-confidence and help curb negative emotions [6].

In order to help improve your skills of positive self-talk, you need to know of the different types of negative self-talk and they are [7]:

  • Magnifying: Here, you focus on the negative aspects of a situation, ignoring any and all of the positive.
  • Polarising: You tend to see the world in black and white. There is nothing in between and no middle ground for processing and categorising any life events.
  • Catastrophising: Here, you expect nothing but the worst, and you rarely let logic or reason influence you.
  • Personalising: One of the most common types of self-talk, here you blame yourself for everything.
  • One has to bring their attention from negative self-talk and turn it onto positive self-talk and thinking. A study has pointed out that athletes use positive self-talk as a way of improving their performance, which may help them power through physical activities [8].

What Are The Benefits of Positive Self-Talk?

What Are The Benefits of Positive Self-Talk?

Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive self-talk on the overall health and mentality of an individual. Positive self-talk, which can help build a positive outlook on life can have the following benefits [9]:

  • Reduces stress levels [10]
  • Increases vitality
  • Promotes mental and emotional satisfaction
  • Improves physical well-being
  • Improved decision-making skills
  • Better concentration
  • Better coping skills
  • In the health perspective, positive self-talk is said to have the following health benefits [11]:

    • Improved immune function [12]
    • Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease [13]
    • Lower rates of depression
    • Reduced levels of pain [14]
    • Studies point out that people who follow positive self-talk may have mental skills that allow them to solve problems more efficiently and effectively [15]. Positive self-talk is one of the most effective ways to help manage your stress levels, by yourself. By thinking differently (positively) and facing challenges, you are naturally reducing the stress levels and anxiety [16].

How Do You Start With Positive Self-Talk?

How Do You Start With Positive Self-Talk?

The first and foremost thing to do is, recognise your negative thinking, and work to turn them into positive thinking. Although its easier said than done, it is not unattainable. Everyone, with patience and practice, can earn to correct negative self-talk [17].

  • Start by recognising when you are quick to blame yourself or look down on yourself and flip that thought. For example, if you have not succeeded in carrying out a task, instead of blaming yourself, congratulate yourself for trying and motivate yourself to do better next time.
  • Evaluate your self-talk, that is, once you start the habit of self-talk, evaluate your self-talk and check whether it is becoming negative.
  • Find ways to laugh, as it can help bring down the stress levels and can be a boost to your positive self-talk. Watch a funny video or spend some time with your pets.
  • Surround yourself with positive people; we all know it, we have heard it. Studies have pointed out that you can absorb the outlook and emotions of people around you [18].
  • Give yourself positive affirmations every day, because seeing positive quotes or inspiring images hep redirect your thoughts.
  • Most importantly, follow a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise for about 30 minutes on most days of the week and a healthy diet to fuel your mind and body.
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On A Final Note…

On A Final Note…

Your mental health and physical self are closely interlinked. Positive self-talk can help you improve your outlook on life and also have positive health benefits, including improved well-being and a better quality of life.

A habit that can be developed by anyone of us, positive self-talk is one that is effective and proven by science and experiences.

Read more about: self talk mental health mind