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10 Effective Ways To Increase Oxygen Levels Naturally

Breathing is an important behaviour and is vital for survival and numerous body functions. It is an involuntary action performed by the body without any effort and thoughts. According to a study, in an hour, a healthy individual takes around 700 normal breaths, along with around 12 sighs.

Though breathing is considered a simple body activity, there are many essential elements involved in the process from fetching oxygen from cells to transporting it to various body parts via lungs.

Effective Ways To Increase Oxygen Levels

Sometimes, due to changing environmental conditions (like winter) or physiological challenges (like running), the process of breathing may get affected causing a decline in oxygen levels. This may reduce our performance, both mentally and physically. [1]

There are many ways help increase oxygen levels naturally and help us stay healthy. In this article, we will discuss the same. Take a look.

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1. Exercise

Regular exercise may help keep the lungs healthy and improve oxygen levels. Active Cycle of Breathing Technique (ACBT) exercises, which contains a set of breathing exercises, may help loosen and clear mucus or phlegm from the lungs, expand the chest and promote good breathing to improve oxygen levels in the body. [2] Even regular physical activities like walking and swimming can help improve lung health and improve blood circulation.

2. Drink Enough Water

Water is critical for the human body. It contains dissolved oxygen which they receive from the aquatic plants and the atmosphere. When consumed, water may help provide oxygen to the body cells and improve their levels. Running water contains more oxygen than still water in ponds or lakes. Also, caffeinated drinks like coffee may dehydrate the body and lower oxygen levels. Experts recommend consuming around eight glasses of water in a day. [3]

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Effective Ways To Increase Oxygen Levels

3. Eating Iron-Rich Foods

Iron helps in manufacturing protein haemoglobin present in the red blood cells that give the blood its red colour and help carry oxygen throughout the body. Iron-rich foods such as organ meats, broccoli, seafood, beetroot, green beans and cabbage can help increase the haemoglobin count in the RBCs and allow maximum oxygen to be transported to the body cells. [4]

4. Avoid Staying In Poorly Ventilated Areas

Poorly ventilated areas such as those with small windows and doors can decrease the movement of fresh air inside the house and dirty air to the outside. It can also increase levels of dust, cooking odours, moisture and other air pollutants. All these pollutants can lower the intake of oxygen and cause problems. This makes the installation of a proper ventilation system in the house important to improve oxygen uptake by the lungs.

5. Plant Indoor Plants

Some air-cleanser indoor plants like aloe vera, bamboo palm and English Ivy can help remove toxins from the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Also, these indoor plants help metabolise some toxic chemicals and release harmless by-products, as well as absorb heavy metals into their tissues and reduce their levels in the air. This helps provide purer air quality and improve respiratory health. [5]

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6. Train Your Breathing

According to the American Lung Association, the total capacity of lungs is about six litres; they expand to hold the air which is breathed in and how much air they hold varies from person to person. Some exercises like diaphragmatic breathing or pursed-lips breathing can help increase the lung capacity for better exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide and thus, may help improve oxygen levels naturally. [6]

7. Maintain Good Posture

Body postures matter a lot when it comes to breathing more air. Some of the best postures for improving respiration include sitting in a downward sloping position, standing with hands resting on a table just below shoulder height and sleeping in a side-lying position with pillows between legs and head elevated with pillows. Following these positions on a regular basis can also help reduce your problems of shortness of breath. [7]

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Effective Ways To Increase Oxygen Levels

8. Quit Smoking

Habits like smoking can increase the risk of respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis and lung cancer and may lead to reduced oxygen levels in the bloodstream. Therefore, it is important to quit smoking or chewing all tobacco products to maintain oxygen levels and promote good health.

9. Eat Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Antioxidants, though not increasing oxygen levels directly in the blood, helps scavenge free radicals and reduce damage to living cells for normal cellular functions. This is why, consumption of antioxidant-rich foods can help improve cellular functions and oxygen uptake by the cells, thus improving levels of oxygen in the body.

10. Get Fresh Air

Last but not the least, the best way to increase oxygen levels naturally is by getting fresh air directly by opening the windows or waking up early in the morning and going walking or simply by staying active throughout the day.

To Conclude

Low oxygen levels in the blood can cause symptoms like headache, pain in the chest, dizziness and confusion. The aforementioned ways can help increase oxygen levels in the body naturally and deal with some of these symptoms. Also, it is always good to consult a medical expert if you face breathing problems for longer.

Read more about: oxygen breathe breathing lungs iron