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Colon Cancer Risk Increasing In Young Adults: 4 Main Signs

Colon cancer is an all-too-common disease that is increasingly being seen in younger adults. Unfortunately, this increase in diagnosis among younger adults is not well understood. However, there are certain signs that may indicate the presence of colon cancer in younger adults.


In general, young adulthood covers the period between the ages of 18 and 22 or 18 and 25.


According to statistics, the number of colon cancer cases among younger adults has been increasing, with the most recent studies showing that it has become the third leading cause of cancer deaths in this age group [1].

While it is important to understand the risk factors for this disease, it is also important to be aware of the warning signs.

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Colon Cancer Risk Increasing In Young Adults: 4 Main Signs

Here are the four main signs that may indicate colon cancer in young adults:

1. Unexplained weight loss

Unexplained and unintentional weight loss is a common symptom of colon cancer in young adults. If you have lost more than 10% of your body weight over the past several months without making any changes to your diet or lifestyle, you should speak to your doctor.


2. Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain is another symptom of colon cancer in young adults. This type of pain usually begins in the lower abdomen and can radiate to the back. It can be constant or intermittent and may be accompanied by bloating, gas, and nausea [2].

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3. Blood in the stool

Blood in the stool is a concerning symptom of colon cancer. It may appear as bright red blood or dark, tarry stools. If you have noticed any blood in your stool, it is important to speak to your doctor right away.

4. Changes in bowel habits

Changes in bowel habits can also be a sign of colon cancer. This includes constipation, diarrhoea, or a change in consistency or frequency of bowel movements. If you have noticed any changes in your bowel habits, it is important to speak to your doctor.


How To Reduce The Risk Of Colon Cancer In Young Adults?

It is important for young adults to be aware of the risk factors for colon cancer and to take steps to reduce their risk. This includes eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding smoking and heavy drinking.

They should also be sure to get screened regularly, as early detection of colon cancer can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment [3].


On A Final Note...

It is important to note that these signs can also be indicative of other conditions, so it is always best to speak to a doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

With early diagnosis, colon cancer can be treated successfully, so it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms and to seek medical advice if you are concerned.
