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Constipation After An Abortion: What Causes It? How To Manage?

Constipation after an abortion is a common problem that many women experience. It is important to understand what causes constipation after an abortion and how to treat it in order to reduce discomfort and improve overall health.

Constipation after an abortion can be caused by hormonal changes, changes in diet, and stress. It can also be caused by dehydration, lack of exercise, and certain medications. Taking steps to drink enough fluids, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly can help to reduce constipation after an abortion [1].

Constipation After Abortion

Below are the common reasons for constipation after abortion.

What Causes Constipation After Abortion?

1. Pregnancy Hormones

Having an abortion means your body is forcefully getting rid of the foetus. The process is external. As far as your body is concerned, you are still pregnant. So your pregnancy hormones are still active. You already know that pregnancy hormones slow down your metabolism and thus bowel movements are also slowed down.

Even after having an abortion, the pregnancy hormones will continue to be present in your body for some time [2].

2. Physical Trauma

Any kind of surgery is a physical trauma to your body. And cuterage is a very severe trauma caused to your lower abdomen. So after an abortion, your body and all the lower abdominal muscles are still in shock. It will take time for your intestines to heal themselves and that is why constipation after abortion is common [3].

3. Low Physical Activity

When you have an abortion, you are supposed to be on bed rest at least for a few days. During this period of rest, your physical activity is very low. And that too slows down the rate of your metabolism. Not having any physical exercise is a very natural cause of constipation [4].

Constipation After Abortion

But despite constipation, you need to keep your physical toil to the minimum and take as much rest as you can.

4. Iron Supplements

When you have a medical termination of pregnancy, you lose blood. Your doctor will most certainly get you started on some iron supplements to make up for the lost iron reserves. And most iron tablets are one of the major causes of constipation. Even during pregnancy, iron supplements cause constipation [5].

How To Manage Constipation After Abortion?

Treating constipation after an abortion is important in order to reduce discomfort and prevent further health problems. Some of the most effective treatments include increasing your intake of fluids and fibre, taking over-the-counter medications such as laxatives, and exercising [6].

It is important to speak to your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medications.

Constipation After Abortion

On A Final Note...

Constipation after an abortion can be a difficult problem to deal with, but it is important to understand the causes and treatments. Increasing your intake of fluids and fibre, taking over-the-counter medications, and exercising can help reduce discomfort and improve overall health.

Read more about: abortion pregnancy