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What Women Think When They Are Ovulating

By Pooja Kaushal

Women find the changes in their body to be getting on to their nerves at times. But with the hormones playing games, it is fine for women to go on mood swaying rides. These changes can especially be noticed with women in ovulation periods. But then, you will have to know your lady really well to notice these changes or else you will find yourself tearing your hair apart.

What happens when a woman is ovulating? This is the most fertile time of the month when the egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube. It stays there for 24 hours after which it starts disintegrating. The ovulation period normally occurs 12-16 days before the next menstrual cycle. Being the fertile days of the month, they are also known as the baby days. A woman can get pregnant if the egg is fertilised by a sperm within these 24 hours.

What Women Think When They are Ovulating

Ovulation is a process during which hormonal changes take place within the body of the woman. These can mostly cause quite a lot of mood changes. Thoughts while ovulating can range from one extreme to another. Each woman has her own way of reacting during this period. At times, these thoughts and actions become very spontaneous and go beyond control.

Ovulation and thought processes

So what do women in ovulation processes think? There cannot be one definite answer to this but we can narrow down to how they think, react and respond during this period. Each woman is different and not all of the following apply to all. Thoughts while ovulating vary from woman to woman.

Appealing: The sexual hormones are pretty active during this period and can show upon the woman’s behaviour. She may find herself to be very appealing, dress up in her best Sunday dress and do things that please her.

Anger: Now, what is that which is causing her so much anger? You may not be able to find the answer to this question because there may be no precise answer to this. It may just come and go and leave you and everyone else around you quite clueless.

Irritable: One small change here and a small change there may leave your lady in the most irritable mood you could have ever seen. You probably did not imagine that such trivial things would upset her to this extent. But then you realise that this irritability is all because of the ovulation phase.

Love for babies: Babies may suddenly appear very cute and cuddly. The motherly instincts may come to the fore and women in ovulation may desire to have babies of their own.

Depressed: This is yet another thought that appears in the minds of women in ovulation. Many women end up feeling pity for themselves and can go in phases of depression.

Sexual desires: Estrogen and progesterone are pretty active in women in ovulation. Sexual desires are known to increase in many women during this period. On the contrary, there are women who do not feel the same. They experience a dip in sexual desires in this period.

The whole ovulation period of a woman is quite difficult and complex to understand in terms of thoughts and behaviours. What we know is that during this period, a certain change in behaviour from the normal is to be expected. This could either sway on the positive side or on the negative side. Either ways, if you know your partner, you will be prepared for these changes.

Read more about: ovulation women