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Types Of Abdominal Pain And Remedies

Abdominal pain means any pain in the stomach and lower abdominal tract. Abdominal pain is very annoying condition and you must know the exact cause to treat it.

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Abdominal pain can be due to excess acid in the stomach (hyper-acidity), diarrhea (abdominal cramps) or ulcers in stomach and intestines or may be even bloating.

There must be an immediate remedy for abdominal pain as it will prevent you from eating food because pain may be associated with indigestion and nauseating feeling.

A sudden abdominal pain can be serious and a matter of concern if sudden and sharp pain is restricted to only a specific area as it can be a sign of appendicitis which needs medical emergency immediately. You need to hospitalise the the patient immediately as there are chances of infection spreading to the blood.]

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Have a look different types of abdominal pain and their remedies.

Stomach Pain

Stomach Pain

Stomach ache refers to cramps or dull pain in the tummy. A dull and burning pain in the stomach can be due to excess production of acid (Hcl) in your stomach which causes burning sensation and pain. For quick relief you can have antacid gel (magnesium salts), cold milk or pinch of baking soda mixed in a glass of water.

Stomach And Intestinal Cramps

Stomach And Intestinal Cramps

If the cramps are associated with loose motions or diarrhoea then there is a bacterial infection of intestines. You need to drink lot of fluids such as oral rehydration salts (ORS) to prevent dehydration. Your diarrhoea will stop once all the bacteria are removed from the intestines. If you also have fever then you need to visit a doctor.

Cramps With Bloating

Cramps With Bloating

This may be due to entrapped gas in the abdomen which cause pain and cramps. This is not a serious condition but it is very embarrassing. Have cardamom tea as it acts as a carminative (expulsion of gases from stomach). You can also chew some cardamom cloves.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

In this condition there is diarrhoea which is accompanied by constipation. There is also inflammation of intestines, pain and abdominal cramps. Have yoghurt which supplies your intestines with good bacteria and helps to relieve it's symptoms.

Heart Burn

Heart Burn

It is caused when excess acid in the stomach comes up towards the esophagus by a reflux action called as acid reflux. This acid in the food pipe causes pain in chest known as heart burn. You can have proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole or pentaprazole to suppress gastric acid early in the morning.



If you have not passed your bowels for many days then it may also cause a dull pain in the abdomen. Eat green vegetables, fruits and drink lots of fluids. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fibres. They retain water in the intestines and thus create a pressure for the bowel movements.



In this condition there is infection and inflammation of appendix (a small pouch connected to the large intestines). Appendicitis causes severe and sharp pain in the lower right side of the abdomen. This is an medical emergency and person needs to be rushed to the hospital.

Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones

This causes pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. This may be accompanied by fever also. You should visit a doctor to get rid of the stones. Drink lot of water so that the stone gets removed through the urine if it is small.

Gall Stones

Gall Stones

This is also referred to as cholecystitis. In this condition there is severe pain in stomach with indigestion and vomiting. Normally you vomit out the gastric acid. You need to visit a doctor as it can turn into a serious condition if not treated.

Read more about: stomach pain health wellness