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16 Amazing Health Benefits Of Black Tea

Do you know that there are countless health benefits of black tea. We have summarised some for you today. Black tea is one of the widely consumed tea. It is good to have black tea as part of one's diet as it offers many health benefits. The increased oxidation of the tea leaves makes them more flavorful than the other varieties of tea. The flavor of black tea is retained for a longer time than in other forms of tea. This tea is subjected to high temperature to remove moisture content. It is highly oxidized form of a tea as compared to other teas.

Black tea is obtained from the leaves of the shrub known as Camellia sinesis and it is more oxidized than the green, white and the oolong tea varieties. It has a stronger flavor than other varieties of tea.

Black tea is a name given to it due to the dark color of the tea's liquor. It is usually orange or dark amber in color. Cup of black tea is known to contain half the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee. There are many medicinal uses of black tea.

Black tea is known to contain caffeine, carbohydrates, potassium, minerals, fluoride, manganese and polyphenols. It also contains tannin, guanine, xanthine, purine, catechins and gallic esters. Polyphenol as an antioxidant is associated with many health benefits. A cup of black tea will provide 200 mg of flavonoids. theaflavins, thearuigins. They are powerful antioxidants. Drinking three cups of black tea can help to increase the concentration of flavonoids in the blood stream.

What are the benefits of black tea? Today Boldsky will share with you some amazing health benefits of black tea.

Cancer Prevention

Cancer Prevention

Antioxidants like polyphenols found in black tea help to prevent the formation of carcinogens (cancer causing substances) in the body which results in preventing cancers like that of the colorectal, prostate, ovarian, lung and bladder.

Black tea can also help to prevent breast, prostate and stomach cancer. The compound known as TF-2 contained in tea promotes death of cancer cells and allows normal cells to remain unaffected. Black tea can also reduce the risk of oral cancer in those who smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products. Black tea also prevents the growth and formation of malignant tumors.

Removes Free Radicals

Removes Free Radicals

This is one of the most beneficial health benefits of black tea. Black tea helps to remove free radicals from the body. Free radicals can cause a lot of harm to the body such as cancer, atherosclerosis (stiffening of blood vessels) and blood clot formation. When one consumes unhealthy food the number of free radicals in the body increases. There are antioxidants present in black tea which help to remove such free radicals and protect the body from the onset of different ailments.

Boosts The Immune System

Boosts The Immune System

It is among the must needed health benefits of black tea for health. Substances known as tannin contained in black tea has the ability to fight viruses like influenza, cold, flu, dysentery, hepatitis and others. Alkylamine antigens present in black tea helps to boost the immune system. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system in order to fight different viruses and bacteria that can cause illnesses.

Benefits For Heart

Benefits For Heart

The antioxidants present in black tea such as flavonoids help to remove bad cholesterol and increases the level of high cholesterol which is good for heart. Black tea reduces the damage to blood vessels including artery walls heart diseases is also lowered. The flavonoids are also effective in reducing blood clots and therefore can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Manganese in black tea keeps the heart muscles healthy.

Reduces Inflammation And Tumors

Reduces Inflammation And Tumors

One type of tannin called catechin is known to help in suppressing tumors. One should opt to drink 3 to 4 cups of black tea per day in order to reduce inflammations as well as harmful pathogens.

Oral Health

Oral Health

What are the benefits of black tea? The catechin antioxidants present in black tea help in reducing oral cancers. Tannin and polyphenols have antibiotic property which inhibit bacteria that cause tooth decay. Black tea also contains fluoride that fights bad breath as well as eradicates harmful bacteria from the oral cavity. Two cups of black tea provide good amount of fluorides for oral health.

Improves Concentration

Improves Concentration

It promotes blood flow to the brain without the nervous feeling brought on by high caffeine in coffee. It has less caffeine content than coffee. Amino acid L-theanine present in black tea helps one to relax and concentrate on tasks at hand. Consuming four cups of black teadaily for one month will reduce stress levels. It boost the memory and mental alertness. It even protects against Parkinson's disease.

Aids Digestion

Aids Digestion

Tannin present in black tea is beneficial for digestion. It can combat different kinds of intestinal and gastric illnesses and has a therapeutic (healing) effect.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

It also has anti-diarrhea effect. Polyphenols present in tea helps to lower intestinal inflammation which cause irritable bowel syndrome.

Bones And Tissue Health

Bones And Tissue Health

What is black tea good for? There are powerful phytochemicals present in black tea which can help to strengthen bones as well as connective tissue. Black tea drinkers have been found to have healthier bones.

Higher Energy Levels

Higher Energy Levels

It is an energizing drink. The moderate levels of caffeine in it act as a stimulant to increase alertness and brain function. Caffeine in black tea is more beneficial than the caffeine content in coffee or cola like beverages.

Supports Kidneys And Respiratory System

Supports Kidneys And Respiratory System

The theophylline compound found in tea helps to stimulate the kidneys, heart and the respiratory system. Such compounds can help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Uses of black tea for weight loss are many. Black tea is low in fat, calories and sodium. It is beneficial for those who wish to lose weight. It can act as a substitute for unhealthy drinks like the carbonated beverages and prevent the addition of calories. It also helps to boost the metabolic activities and thus helps in weight loss.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Black tea helps to reduce the level of triglycerides and bad cholesterol that gets deposited on the inner side of blood vessels and can restrict the blood flow th heart causing heart attack. The functioning of arteries is also improved by having black tea.

Reduces Allergic Responses And Onset Of Diabetes

Reduces Allergic Responses And Onset Of Diabetes

The antioxidants called catechins reduces allergic responses and onset of diabetes is also averted. It also helps to strengthen the blood vessels. Tannin helps to increase the resistance of the body. Tumor growth is also retarded.

Amazing Benefits Of Black Tea For Skin

Amazing Benefits Of Black Tea For Skin

Is black tea good for health? The drink has several nutritional benefits for the skin and hair. It is considered to be good for the skin as it contains vitamins like C, E and B2. There are minerals present like zinc, potassium and magnesium as well as tannin and polyphenols. It also helps to keep the skin blemish free.