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13 Habits That Destroy Your Skin

There are certain habits that ruin your skin. It is better to get rid of such habits if you wish to care for your skin. Your skin plays an important role in making you look younger. Also, glowing skin gives a boost to your self esteem and it helps you get along well in social circles. Your skin decides your confidence levels; no doubt about that. When you look good, you tend to achieve more because you subconsciously feel that your are more powerful.

4 Health Habits To Look Younger

You do a lot to pamper your skin but still if you are not aware of certain habits that ruin your skin, you will be doing a lot of damage to it without knowing it. In this article, let us quickly discuss about what's going wrong in your routine as far as your skin is concerned. Here we go....



This is one of the bad habits that age your skin. It is better to give up smoking if you love your skin.

Playing With Pimples

Playing With Pimples

This is one of the bad habits for your skin. Never play around with pimples. If you pick them, spots or scars may arise in those areas which will make your skin look pale in the long run.



Never try to scratch the scars. They won't go away simply because you scratch that area. On the top of it, your scratching can make things worse. This is one of the habits that ruin your skin. Use a cream to deal with your scars.



Most of us do have bad postural habits. Such habits will cause wrinkles on the skin soon. Ensure that you practise good posture.

Ignoring Some Areas

Ignoring Some Areas

Most of us focus a lot on the face and seldom do we give any attention to the neck. This happens when we bathe as well as when we apply creams. Ensure that you cover all areas uniformly without ignoring some.

Sleeping Without Washing

Sleeping Without Washing

Even if you are sleepy, it is better to wash your face thoroughly in order to remove the make up before sleeping. This is very important to enable your skin to breathe better.

Clogged pores

Clogged pores

Sometimes, you rush to the gym without washing your face to remove the make up. Its a bad practice. Why? Well, this increases the chances for clogged pores. In fact, it can also result in acne. When you sweat, the make up should not block the pores.

Rubbing Eyes

Rubbing Eyes

Irrespective of the reason, rubbing the eyes too much would create wrinkles around your eyes. This is one of the bad habits that age your skin.



Doing this occasionally is very good for your skin. but if you overdo exfoliation, that might damage your skin. This is one of the habits bad for skin. It is better not to irritate your skin too much.

Dry Lips

Dry Lips

If you have the habit of scratching your dry lips, then it isn't so healthy for your skin. Use a lip balm and moisturise your lips.



If you expose your skin to high temperatures (using dryers etc) it gets damaged fast. Treat your skin with care.

Sleeping Posture

Sleeping Posture

Most of us are unaware of our sleeping postures. Actually, when you sleep on your face, the skin in that area may gradually get damaged. This is one of the habits that ruin your skin.

The Right Diet

The Right Diet

Eating good food is very important. Sometimes, some foods may spoil your skin. If milk isn't doing good to your skin, go for almond milk and see whether your skin is happy.

Read more about: beauty skin care